2022-23 Youth Series Q&A

Jan 24, 2023

CEC will be hosting 4 events as part of the 2022-2023 Youth Series! What will these events look like? How do athletes qualify to attend? Here is all you need to know!


Youth Boulder Regional Championships

  • East – April 22-23, 2023, at Altitude Gym (Kanata), ON
  • West – April 22-23, 2023, at The Hive (Surrey), BC

Youth Boulder National Championships

Youth Lead National Championships


Pre-Qualified Athletes

Youth Nationals Pre-Qualified Athletes List here

Important Dates

Regional Registration Deadline: April 12 (Youth C Registration Deadline Extended to April 16)

National Registration Deadline: May 4

Contractor Applications are now closed.


Regionals – only Boulder this year – Why was this decision made?

Due to many issues which include but aren’t limited to, finding suitable host gyms, lead participation numbers being low, and finding enough suitable contractors for all events, CEC has decided to not host Lead Regionals this year. We will focus on hosting successful Boulder Regionals, and review a long term plan for Lead.



There are two pathway to qualify to CEC events – 1) Pre-Qualification, and 2) Provincial / Regional Qualification.


Some athletes will receive an invitation to attend the National Championships, without the requirement to qualify nor attend Regional events:

  • HPP Athletes: Athletes in Youth A and Junior Categories who are selected to the Senior HPP following the HP Competition will receive a direct invitation to the Youth National Championships
  • Reigning National Youth Champions from previous season
  • Youth World Championships attendees


All other athletes will be required to qualify through a Provincial or Territorial pathway:

  • PTSO Guaranteed National Championships Quotas (Quotas X): Some provinces will start with a fixed number of quota spots for the National Championships.
    • For 2022-2023, that is: Top 5 athletes in BC, AB, ON, and QC (total 20), as selected by SCBC, ACA, OCF, FQME respectively
  • PTSO quotas to Youth Boulder Regional Championships (Quotas Y): Each province and territory will start with a fixed number of quota spots for the Regional Championships for each category. Unused quota in this category will be re-allocated to the other provinces in the same region.
    • See HERE for the 2022-2023 Provincial / Territorial Quotas
  • Regional Quotas to Youth Combined National Championships (Top Z): Top finishers in each category at the Regional Championships will advance to the National Championships.
    • See HERE for the 2022-2023 Provincial / Territorial Quotas
  • Each province has autonomy to decide how they will fill these quotas.


Lead Quotas (for Nationals)

(per gender/per categoy)
Male Female
HPP Pre-Qualified 0 0
SCBC 10 10
ACA 10 10
OCF 10 10
FQME 10 10
ClimbY 4 4
CAM 4 4
SK 1 1
NB 1 1
NS 1 1
PEI 1 1
NL 1 1
NWT 1 1
NU 1 1

Boulder Quotas (for Regionals and Nationals, *Youth C do not go to Nationals)

(per gender/per category)

Directly to Nats Prov to Reg Reg to Nats
HPP Pre-Qualified 0 n/a
SCBC 5 10
Top 15
ACA 5 10
ClimbY 0 2
NWT 0 2
CAM 0 2
SK 0 2
OCF 5 10
Top 15
FQME 5 10
NB 0 2
NS 0 2
PEI 0 2
NL 0 2
NU 0 2


PTSO Contacts and Base Quotas

British Columbia
Sport Climbing BC (SCBC)
Boulder Pre-Qualification for Nationals: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 30 athletes)
Boulder Regionals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 80 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 60 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Climbing Association (ACA)
Boulder Pre-Qualification for Nationals: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 30 athletes)
Boulder Regionals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 80 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 60 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Climbing Association (ACA)
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Ontario Climbing Federation (OCF)
Boulder Pre-Qualification for Nationals: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 30 athletes)
Boulder Regionals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 80 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 60 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Fédération québécoise de la montagne et de l’escalade (FQME)
Boulder Pre-Qualification for Nationals: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 30 athletes)
Boulder Regionals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 80 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 10 women and 10 men in all categories (total 60 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Climb Yukon
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 4 women and 4 men in all categories (total 24 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Climbing Association of Manitoba (CAM)
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 4 women and 4 men in all categories (total 24 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

New Brunswick
Sport Climbing NB
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Nova Scotia
Climb Nova Scotia
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

Newfoundland and Labrador
Daniel Alacoque
Boulder Regionals: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Lead Nationals: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Email: [email protected]

All other provinces or territories (PEI, NV, NWT)
Email: [email protected]


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