CEC Adopts 2021-2024 Strategic Plan

Feb 26, 2021

CEC is pleased to launch its 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. Completed in consultation with industry leaders such as Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations, Climbing Facilities, athletes and coaches, this plan constitutes a road map for the next four years, leading to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

“We are poised to take a significant step forward, not just as CEC but as a united climbing community that comes together to build the future of the sport we love acknowledging our differences, leaving the challenges of the past behind and focusing on the potential ahead.” says Kathy Woods, Chair of CEC.

The plan is built around 4 pillars:

  1. A Performance Pathway that builds from grass roots to world class levels in a safe and inclusive environment.
  2. Engagement and Communication that enables two way dialogue, inclusion and connection with our community.
  3. A relentless focus on Partnership and Integration with diverse stakeholders from all areas of our sport.
  4. A foundation of Financial Sustainability that allows us to achieve our aspirations not just now but long into the future.

CEC wishes to acknowledge everyone involved in making this plan a reality – from those of you who attended the Focus Groups discussions, to those who spent the weekend with us during our Strategic Workshop.

Please do not hesitate to reach out. CEC is athlete centered and community driven, we love hearing from you!

CEC_2021-2024 Strategic Plan

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