CEC is looking to support the nomination of Canadian volunteers into the IFSC Coach Committee and the Executive Board. Nomination process is ongoing. CEC asks interested volunteers to reach out by January 4th, 2021. Details of the nomination process will be presented to interested candidates.
Member of the Coaches Commission for the term 2021-2025
As announced at the XVI IFSC General Assembly, and in line with the Strategic Plan, the IFSC Sport Department is soon going to respond to the high demand of Coaches Courses. To address this goal, the IFSC is pleased to open nominations to become members of the Coaches Commission for the term 2021-2025, that will work, among other things, on the content of the courses.
The ideal composition of the Coaches Commission would be made of 4 experienced Coaches active at international level (i.e. attendance in the last 2 years to IFSC World Cups, World Championships and Youth World Championships); 1 experienced Coach not active at international level; 2 Coaches with experience in coach training.
If interested in putting your name forward for this committee, please email Andrew Wilson at [email protected] no later than January 4th, 2021.
Member of the IFSC Executive Board for the term 2021-2025
Positions open for election are the following:
- President
- 2 Vice Presidents
- Treasurer
- Secretary General
- Members of the Disciplinary Commission
- Members of the Appeals Commission
- Members of the Ethics Commission
- Auditor
If interested in putting your name forward for the Executive Board, please email Christiane Marceau at [email protected] no later than January 4th, 2021.