Canadian Stop for the 2021 National Cup Series – Call for hosting applications

Oct 21, 2020

Climbing Escalade Canada is welcoming application to host a Canadian stop for the 2021 USA CLIMBING National Cup Series. In partnership with USA Climbing, this new series aims to fill a gap in the Athlete Development Pathway, by offering the highest-level for competitive climbing in North America. The mission of the series is to provide comparable competition experience to the IFSC World Cup Circuit, for those athletes not qualified for the IFSC events.

The Series will be open to all competitors, ages 16 (as of 12/31 of the same year of the competition) and up, with no other international participation restrictions. Climbing Escalade Canada wish to support a Canadian climbing facility in hosting one stop here in Canada. A National Cup Series host may choose to organize any of the three disciplines (bouldering, lead, and/or speed).

Tentative potential dates for the Series are listed below, but additional dates will be considered if necessary. COVID-19 restrictions and regulations will be taken into account when determining the viability of the Canadian stop.

  • April 9th – 11th, 2021
  • May 28th – May 30th, 2021
  • July 16th – 18th, 2021
  • August 13th – 14th, 2021
  • October 1st – 3r, 2021

Hosting Facilities must apply to CEC by providing us with a LETTER OF INTENT, as well as a TECHNICAL BRIEF describing how your facility will achieve the USA Climbing Hosting Requirements. Both application documents must be sent to [email protected] by November 20th, 2020 at the latest. No late application will be considered.

Letter of intent must include:

  • Complete address of facility
  • Name and contact information for representative of the facility
  • Disciplines being applied for (Lead, Speed, Boulder or Combination)
  • Date(s) preferred (please provide 3 choices)
  • Main Contact
  • Motivation to host a Canadian stop for the 2021 National Cup Series

Technical Brief must include:

  • Facility Overview:
    • wall specs – height, angles, approx. square footage
      • Boulder – include linear measurements of wall base to demonstrate ability to run 10 boulders simultaneously.
      • Lead – include total lines that can be run simultaneously and average angle for each (i.e. 6 lines: #1 -average angle 25 degrees, #2 – average angle 30 degrees, #3 – average angle 15 degrees etc)
      • Speed – must be 15m IFSC standard. Include of wall has been certified or homologated.
    • proposed event floorplan including: warm-up/iso areas, field of play, officials areas, spectators, vendors.
    • Where possible, include athlete flow (from warm-up to field of play, within field of play)
  • Hosting history – dates of previous national or higher level events hosted.

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