2020 YNTP Online Information Session

Feb 15, 2020

Due to the many unknows relating to the current situation, the YNTP Information Call scheduled on Saturday March 28th is now CANCELLED. CEC is working with the IFSC and the PSO to determine a Return to Competition plan at a later time.

Are you curious about the 2020 Youth National Team Program (YNTP) and wish to know more? Attend the CEC Online Information Session on March 28th, 2020, at 8pm EST (5pm PST).

Saturday, March 28th, 8 pm EST (5pm PST)

Join the session here: Zoom Media Conference Call.

Can’t attend the session? Don’t worry! The Information Session will be recorded and available on the CEC website shortly after. Also, please note that due to our technical services, attendance will be limited to 100 participants. Should the session unfortunately fill out, you will be able to access the information through the recording on the CEC website.

An online presentation and discussion of the 2020 Youth National Team Program.


  • Andrew Wilson – High Performance Director/ National Team Coach
  • Chris Neve – Youth National Team Head Coach
  • Patrick Labelle – Youth National Team Technical Coach
  • Michelle Linhart – Youth National Team Manager
  • Christiane Marceau – Executive Director


  • Current state of YNTP
    • Overview of performance data and gap analysis
  • 2020 YNTP Program
    • Introduction and explanation of decision-making process
    • Program objectives/goals
    • Program details
  • 2020 Youth World Championships (YWC) Trip Logistics
    • Discussion

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CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact info@climbingcanada.ca asap - first come first serve!

 CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter info@climbingcanada.ca dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact [email protected] asap - first come first serve!

CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter [email protected] dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

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