CEC Outgoing Directors – Thank You!

Sep 28, 2023

CEC held its 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday September 26. A board of 11 directors was elected by our members. 

Before announcing the 2023-2024 Board of Directors, we wish to take a moment to recognize and appreciate the outgoing directors, and acknowledge the hard work and dedication they have contributed towards the CEC over the years.

Kathy Woods

First elected to the board in May 2019, Kathy started her involvement with CEC in 2018, when she led the first-ever CEC Strategic Planning Consultations. During her tenure on the board, Kathy spearheaded the search for a new executive director, helped develop the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and supported the organization’s survival through COVID. She was the chair of the CEC board from September 2020 to September 2022.

Kathy’s professional experience has been instrumental to CEC’s governance leadership. She has been a mentor and a friend. Thank you Kathy for your strong advice and support.

Elise Sethna

Elise first joined the CEC Athletes’ Commission in 2021, succeeding Stacey Weldon in the position of president. She subsequently joined the CEC Board as athlete representative in May 2021. Elise has been a strong advocate for the athletes, reminding the board on multiple occasions of our athlete’s centred values, and bringing the athlete’s voices to every board meeting, conversation, and decision.

Elise’s passion for sport climbing has been a clear asset to the CEC. Her empathy and sense of community allowed her to gain the trust of the Athletes’, and has strengthened the board’s values. Thank you Elise for your important contribution to CEC.

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CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact info@climbingcanada.ca asap - first come first serve!

 CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter info@climbingcanada.ca dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

CEC has a few TICKETS available for the Climbing Sessions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. If interested in purchasing tickets, please contact [email protected] asap - first come first serve!

CEC dispose de quelques BILLETS pour les séances d'escalade des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets, veuillez contacter [email protected] dès que possible - les premiers arrivés seront les premiers servis !

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