National Team Athlete Profiles

Jul 22, 2020

CEC wishes to recognize the athletes selected for the 2020 National Team Program. Despite not having any 2020 results on the world stage, these athletes have accomplished so much to get were they are now. Their performance, passion, and dedication have unfortunately been shadowed by the pandemic. It’s time we recognize who they are, it’s time we celebrate their performance!

We will profile 4 athletes every week. Read about them and reach out to congratulate them on their selection on the 2020 National Team!

Riley Galloway
Zach Richardson
Finn Battersby
Justine McCarney 


Preferred Pronouns: She / Her
Home Gym: Gravity Climbing, Hamilton, ON
Coach: Liz Maffet
2019/20 Results: 2020 OBN 4th, Selection Camp 3rd, NTP Ranking 5th 

What disciplines do you compete in?
Lead, Speed, Boulder, Combined

What is your favorite discipline?
Speed and Boulder

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
My long term goals for sport climbing are to be able to climb throughout my whole life. But specifically in competition climbing, I hope to be able to complete my Youth years and still compete into my Open years. I’m planning on taking a year off before university to really focus on my junior year. I really enjoy competition climbing and I hope I can do it for as long as I can.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
This is a hard decision! I’m not sure that I only have one proudest moment but I’d have to say either winning the semifinals round at OBN this year or how close I was to making semi finals at Youth Worlds in 2019. I think I’m proud of my performance at OBN because it was some of my best climbing ever. I was confident, relaxed, and not nervous at all and it was a real demonstration of how well I can climb. Youth Worlds came to mind because of the opposite reason. It was my first time bouldering at that level and I was so scared but I was able to preform okay and I know that I could have rocked those climbs and all I needed to do was work on my mental game and just calm down.

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
One of the people that inspires me in climbing is Nina Williams. She inspires me because she seems like such a bubbly and fun person. She is an amazing climber but without that serious and scary personality that some climbers have. She is also mainly boulders like myself and she pretty much “goes big or goes home”. Seeing as she’s known as the highball queen, I feel like I related to her a lot.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Ronda Rousey is an inspiration to me because she has made so many firsts for women in her sport. She is so good at what she does and shows people that females are just as good as men or even better in any sport even if it seems like they can’t be. Especially because since she is a fighter. I also like her because I am a kick boxer so I relate to her. Plus she’s so cool. 🙂

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
It’s cheesy to say but my mom is one of my biggest inspirations. She works 3 jobs and is so smart and has so many amazing skills. She has competed at multiple World Championships for ultimate frisbee. She’s so strong and always try her hardest. I just think that she is so amazing and I hope I can be like her one day!

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
I have many interests outside of climbing. I really love sewing and fashion. I love shopping a little too much. I like to make clothes and things like pillows and chalk bags. I also kickboxing and do gymnastics occasionally. I also like journaling and artistic things like watercolour painting and like anyone, I like watching tv and movies.

What is your motivational quote?
I have a few. A basic one that I say to myself while climbing or when I need a boost of energy is just “you got this”. I have a poster with it in my room and I’ve just always said it to myself. It’s sort of nostalgic.

Another one is “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi. I like this one because it really relates to climbing seeing as most of the time I’m falling down.

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?  
I would say that even though most things suck right now we are all in the same boat. As long as we stay positive we will get out of this soon. Plus this is a great time to try out new things and discover more about yourself.


Home Gym: Climber’s Rock, Burlington, ON
2019/20 Results: 2019 Boulder WC – 69th Chongqing, 61st Wujiang, 41st Vail, 2020 OBN 2nd, Selection Camp 2nd, NTP Ranking 3rd
What disciplines do you compete in?

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
To end up feeling like I reached my potential and enjoy the process.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
I would say making a Youth World Championship final.

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Every single person I compete against inspires me in one way or another!

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Athletes that overcome adversity inspire me because that’s what I feel like success in sport is all about.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
My parents. 

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
Tough question. What helps me is learning to appreciate the simple things in life that we take for granted, which I’m sure is pretty relatable.


Preferred Pronouns: He / Him
Home Gym: Boulderhouse, Victoria, BC
Coach: Palmer Larsen 
2019/20 Results: 2020 OBN 4th, Selection Camp 4th, NTP Ranking 6th 

What disciplines do you compete in?
Lead, Boulder

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
To compete at the highest level and push myself to see what is possible. And continue being engaged with the community and growing the sport.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
In Sport Climbing: placing 4th at OBN 2019/20 and qualifying for a position on the World Cup team for bouldering. Other: training solo in trail running and becoming youth world champion (2016)

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Keita Dohi- he is incredibly smooth on the wall, and always enjoys himself in a competition.
Jimmy Webb- he’s a beast, and is always stoked.

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Brenda Taylor (my mum)- her dedication to her sport throughout her life and her achievements in that time are always an inspiration.
Killian jornet- his outlook on how life/sport/adventure can be connected is something I aspire to.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
My friends and family- seeing the people I know well succeed and excel in their fields is very motivating to me.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
Anything outdoor related: kayaking, hiking etc. I also enjoy photography and videography. I like route-setting, and I am passionate about environmentalism.

What is your motivational quote?
“Where there’s a will there’s a way” 

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
Find the positives in this time of change and allow yourself to change with it. 


Preferred Pronouns: She / Her
Home Gym: Climber’s Rock, Burlington ON/ Boiler Room, Kingston ON 
2019/20 Results: 2020 OBN 5th, Selection Camp 5th, NTP Ranking 7th

What disciplines do you compete in?

What is your favorite discipline?

What are your long term goals in sport climbing?
To compete at a high international level.

What one accomplishment are you the most proud of?
Being a full time student athlete in university with a full course load.

Who inspires you in climbing? Why?
Jule Wurm. She had a very successful climbing career and has now focused on an academic lifestyle. She always had a smile on her face and is kind to others around her. 

Who inspires you in sport? Why?
Bethany Hamilton. She never gave up and always found ways to accomplish her goals/dreams in ways many would never have thought of. She never gave up on herself even when others doubted her.

Who inspires you outside sport? Why?
My parents, the dedication, hard-work and sacrifice I have seen them give over the years is incredible.

What activities and interests do you have outside climbing?
Volunteering with special needs kids, volleyball, wake surfing, university degree in health studies

What is your motivational quote?
“Be thankful for what you have: you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.” -Oprah

What message of hope would you share with our community in the mist of this pandemic?
To always have hope. The impossible can happen. We are in a state many thought would never happen but we have to remember the impossible can happen in a positive light as well.