Volunteer Spotlight – Yannick Boivin (QC)

Jun 12, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight – Yannick Boivin (QC)

CEC: What do you do for a living, Yannick?
YB: I have a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and I work for Vidéotron as a lead system analyst.

CEC: What attracts you most to climbing?
YB: The constant need to improve is what attracts me most to the sport. Every time I go out, I want to push myself a little more physically and mentally. When I go climbing outdoors: I love the smell of the forest, the feel of the rock under my fingers, the observable landscapes…. a set of little things that form a whole that I never stop loving. When I climb inside, the renewal of the walls/blocks, so new projects to work on… with an ultimatum of a few weeks before they disappear…. occasionally causing disappointment because I haven’t completed my project. I can’t forget all the wonderful people I’ve met through this sport and the mutual support I’ve experienced.

CEC: Why do you volunteer with Climbing Canada?
YB: I volunteer to help a sport I love to progress in its “competition” aspect, so that athletes have a great experience. I volunteer so that athletes can have consistent judging from one block to the next, respecting competition regulations as closely as possible (I’m not perfect yet). I must also mention my meetings at these events. They are always enriching and make me want to come back.

CEC: Do you have a message to inspire others?
YB: Take part in competitions, whether at provincial, regional or national level. These events need volunteers who love the sport. We have a great camaraderie and you’ll come away wanting to come back!

Be like Yannick – Volunteer Today!